Titanium Realty Group and its Real Estate Model to expand in Mexico and Latin America
Twenty years ago Diego Hodara came to the United States with a clear objective: to start a business in this country to take advantage of the education he obtained in his native Uruguay, a degree in architecture and a postgraduate degree in business administration. And now he presides Titanium Realty Group, which is involved in real estate development in various metropolitan areas around New York.
He recently visited Mexico where he participated in various real estate events and shared his experience and business model that has attracted the attention of U.S. investors and even other countries. Now he is looking for potential agreements in Mexico, as there is more and more interest from Mexican investors to participate in this type of housing with a trusted and experienced partner in the United States. “I want to be a bridge between the Latin American and North American markets,” Hodara summarized.

New Apartment Towers Crowd the Jersey City Skyline
New Yorkers have gotten used to watching the sun set behind the piers and towers of Jersey City, the major metropolis of New Jersey’s so-called Gold Coast. But for many years, Jersey City’s glittering line of luxury apartments and office blocks stopped at the water’s edge. Tucked behind modern high-rises, the rest of the city was a patchwork of charming historic districts, aging apartment buildings, public housing, and contaminated, abandoned industrial sites.

New Journal Square Development Nabs $18 Million Refinancing
A new Jersey City residential building that is part of the Journal Square building boom has refinanced this month after launching their leasing operations earlier this year.
JLL Capital Markets recently announced that they have arranged the $18.625 million refinancing of 39 High Street, an 83-unit multi-housing community in Jersey City. JLL represented the borrower, a partnership between Spitzer Enterprises and Titanium Realty Group, to secure the fixed-rate loan through a correspondent life insurance company.

Titanium Realty JV Lands Refi for Jersey City Community
A partnership between Spitzer Enterprises and Titanium Realty Group has landed $18.6 million in refinancing for 39 High Street, an 83-unit luxury community in Jersey City, N.J. Delaware Life Insurance Co. provided the fixed-rate loan, according to public records, while a JLL team represented the borrower.
In 2020, the developer obtained a $20 million construction loan from BMO Bank, Yardi Matrix data shows. Construction on the property started one year later.

JLL secures $18.625M financing for newly constructed apartment community in Jersey City
JLL Capital Markets arranged $18.625 million in refinancing of 39 High St., an 83-unit multihousing community located in the Journal Square neighborhood of Jersey City.
JLL represented the borrower, a partnership between Spitzer Enterprises and Titanium Realty Group, to secure the fixed-rate loan through a correspondent life insurance company.

50-Unit Development at 179 Academy Street Breaks Ground in Jersey City
A residential project that has been in the works since 2020 has officially begun construction following a redesign earlier this year.
Just about three years ago, a new residential proposal emerged at several lots along 179 Academy Street. The vision came courtesy Titanium Realty Group, the company behind one of the many high-rises that has popped up near Journal Square at 413 Summit Avenue.

Titanium Realty Group Receives $42.5M Bridge Loan for Jersey City Multifamily Project
JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Regional developer Titanium Realty Group has received a $42.5 million bridge loan for a newly built, 148-unit multifamily project in Jersey City. The 19-story building houses 80 studios, 46 one-bedroom units, 19 two-bedroom residences and three three-bedroom apartments, as well as 4,500 square feet of ground-floor retail space. Daniel Cohen and Tal Savariego of Meridian Capital Group arranged the debt through Lightstone Capital Group. Proceeds will be used to retire existing debt and fund lease-up costs.

Titanium Realty Lands $43M Loan for Jersey City Community
Located in the Journal Square neighborhood, the property plans to start leasing in the next 30 days.
Titanium Realty Group has landed a senior bridge loan for a Jersey City community that is set to start leasing. Meridian Capital Group’s Daniel Cohen and Tal Savariego arranged the $42.5 million loan, which was provided by Lightstone Capital.

Jersey City multifamily property from Titanium secures $42.5M loan
A newly built, 19-story multifamily property in Jersey City has secured a senior bridge loan while the sponsor, Titanium Realty Group LLC, leases the property.
Lightstone Capital, the real estate debt platform of Lightstone, announced July 20 it closed on the $42.5 million in funding for the 148-unit, 125,000-square-foot living option located at 413 Summit Ave. in the Journal Square neighborhood.

Developer Reveal Plans For 15-Story Apartment Building At 157 Westchester Avenue In Port Chester, New York
Titanium Realty Group has revealed proposals to redevelop an assembly of land into a mixed-use rental property at 157 West Chester Avenue in Port Chester, Westchester County. If approved by the Port Chester Planning Commission, the new building will top out at 15 stories and comprise 169 market-rate rental units, 21 affordable housing units designated for households earning 60 percent area median income (AMI), 1,465 square feet of commercial space, and two levels of parking for up to 110 vehicles.

Excelentes oportunidades de inversión en Estados Unidos y Uruguay
Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Montevideo y Punta del Este son los destinos de inversión que más tientan a los argentinos por los beneficios que ofrecen tanto para la compra como para el alquiler de propiedades. Gran retorno en dólares, resguardo de capital, alta revalorización y administración de los inmuebles son puntos claves a la hora de decidir.

Nueva York: cómo cambió el mercado inmobiliario tras la pandemia, qué se demanda y qué va quedando obsoleto
El mercado inmobiliario de Nueva York todavía está tratando de comprender el impacto a largo plazo de la pandemia. Si bien hubo gran cantidad de informes sobre un “éxodo” de la ciudad de Nueva York, alimentado en gran medida por los resultados de la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense (que tiene un tamaño de muestra muy pequeño y es propenso a errores), la información es aún confusa.
De lo que no hay dudas es de que los inversores siguen fuertemente interesados en Nueva York, al menos en subsegmentos del mercado. Según el Real Estate Board de Nueva York, las oficinas (el sector más grande antes de la pandemia), el retail y los data center han retrocedido. Pero el sector de multifamiliares y self-storage siguen firmes.

La actualidad y el futuro del mercado residencial de Nueva York
Los valores de las propiedades se estabilizarán durante el próximo año. La tierra bien ubicada en la zona metropolitana de Nueva York es muy limitada.
El mercado residencial de Nueva York está atravesado por múltiples variables. A la nueva realidad pospandemia y el consecuente regreso de vecinos que se habían mudado a Miami, se le agrega la reciente suba de tasas de la Fed, la inflación y su impacto en la economía general de Estados Unidos.

18-Story Tower Could Bring Nearly 150 Units to Jersey City’s Econo-Car Site
While Jersey City’s Journal Square has been served by rapid transit rail service for well over a century, the last few years, in particular, have seen countless development proposals for properties within walking distance of the neighborhood’s PATH station. New buildings have been proposed for all sorts of properties in the community, ranging from residential lots to vacant tracts to existing commercial structures. Now, another proposed development that could tower over this area if ultimately constructed is up for approvals.

CAPRE’s Northern New Jersey & Gold Coast Investment Outlook Preview: Titanium Realty Group’s Diego Hodara Says There’s No Doubt About Jersey City’s Value — It’s Here to Stay.
JERSEY CITY, NJ — Diego Hodara is the founder and CEO of Titanium Realty Group, a real…

Arquitecto uruguayo desarrolla meganegocios en Nueva York.
Todo comenzó hace quince años cuando el arquitecto y MBA Diego Hodara, ante la recesión económica en Uruguay, decidió irse a vivir a Chicago. Eligió esa ciudad porque le resultaba hermosa desde el punto de vista arquitectónico y sentía que allí podría abrirse caminos. Al principio consiguió trabajo en una compañía pequeña de diseño industrial y tuvo un pasar ajustado, hasta que lo transfirieron a Nueva York. Poco a poco, sumó méritos y recursos para independizarse y desarrolló su propio emprendimiento en el área de la construcción y real estate. “Estuve dispuesto a ser pobre financieramente, pero mentalmente siempre estuve en plena búsqueda de superación, con mis metas claras y definidas”, comentó Hodara a Café & Negocios, en una visita a Montevideo.
Una vez más asentado en Nueva York, complementó su formación académica -es egresado de la UdelaR-, con una maestría en Real Estate, Finanzas e Inversiones en New York University (NYU). En el año 2006 fundó Titanium Realty Group, una desarrolladora de proyectos inmobiliarios en Jersey City, que en sus inicios encontró serias dificultades para operar por la recesión en Estados Unidos de esa época.

Diego Hodara: el arquitecto que triunfa en EEUU
El arquitecto de 45 años y post grado en administración de empresas de la Udelar, visitó Fuentes Confiables para dar a conocer su emprendimiento en Estados Unidos, se define como un ‘casatalentos’ “aquel que es capaz de pasar la línea de confort, tiene ya un montón de posibilidad para desarrollarse como emprendedor en el exterior”, afirma.
En 2003 se fue a Estados Unidos. Comenzó a trabajar para desarrolladores inmobiliarios manejando la construcción. En el 2008 obtuvo la “green card” residencia. Y como se quedó sin trabajo, comenzó Titanium Realty Group, una empresa para hacer desarrollo inmobiliario.

UForma, la empresa de Diego Hodara
El Arq. Diego Hodara, visitó el estudio del Informativo Carve del Mediodía para presentar un nuevo emprendimiento. Contó como fue salir del país simplemente con el título. Además presentó su empresa Uforma, que trabaja para Titanium…

Diego Hodara un arquitecto uruguayo en Nueva York
Un arquitecto que se recibio en Br Artigas y triunfo en los EEUU Ser referente en el negocio inmobiliario de Nueva York. Eso se propuso y eso logró el arquitecto uruguayo Diego Hodara. Está al frente de Titanium Realty Group, una empresa que desarrolla emprendimientos de real state en Nueva York y varias ciudades de Estados Unidos, para inversores norteamericanos y de otros países. Además, trabaja con arquitectos uruguayos radicados acá que le asisten en los diseños de los edificios y residencias que construye. ¿Cómo es su historia? ¿Cómo se hace para tener éxito en este negocio en los Estados Unidos? Habló con el arquitecto Diego Hodara a partir de este…

Diego Hodara, arquitecto y desarrollador inmobiliario en NY que terceriza servicios en Uruguay: Los profesionales uruguayos pueden “hacerlo mejor” que muchos de EEUU.
Lidera Titanium Realty Group, que desarrolla emprendimientos inmobiliarios en Nueva York y otras…

Diego Hodara, arquitecto y desarrollador inmobiliario en NY que terceriza servicios en Uruguay.
Lidera Titanium Realty Group, que desarrolla emprendimientos inmobiliarios en Nueva York y otras ciudades estadounidenses, y trabaja con un equipo de uruguayos…

13-Story Building Could Bring 100+ Units to Journal Square
While many of the new high-rises in Jersey City’s Journal Square neighborhood are being proposed for properties located within a stone’s throw away from the PATH station, a new plan by a developer could bring…

29-Unit Project Readies for Construction at 65 Newkirk Street, Jersey City
A five-story building originally proposed in 2015 for 61–65 Newkirk Street is about to begin construction. The 29-unit project, which was proposed by Newkirk Realty, LLC and is being developed by Manhattan-based Titanium Realty Group and Old City Investment Partners,…

Repunte inmobiliario en Estados Unidos
Miami se convirtió en la metrópoli más cara del país, mientras Manhattan es la zona “premium” a nivel nacional.
Las condiciones del mercado inmobiliario de Estados Unidos se están recuperando, luego de la debacle de 2008. Los precios de los alquileres suben a falta de una mayor oferta, y lentamente comienzan a desarrollarse nuevos proyectos, según el uruguayo Diego Hodara, director de Titanium Realty Group, una empresa dedicada al real estate en Estados Unidos…

"La clave es mantenerse fuerte mentalmente"
Diego Hodara habla de su experiencia como constructor en Nueva York y el auge que vive el mercado estadounidense.
Hace 12 años que el arquitecto Diego Hodara vive en Estados Unidos. Primero se instaló en Chicago y luego en Nueva York, donde hoy con su empresa Titanium Realty Group –que comenzó construyendo interiores y casas– desarrolla y construye edificios en New York y New…

New projects in new nabes
As the local economy continues to shake off the aftereffects of the previous recession, New Jersey developers have begun pouring money into big-ticket projects slated to put millions of new square feet on the market. National retailers are inking leases in new malls. Even foreign investors, long a force in the Big Apple, have begun venturing across the Hudson. The one dim spot in the landscape remains the office leasing market.

YLG Peer-to-Peer: Young Developers From the Ground Up
At the YLG Peer-to-Peer “Young Developers From the Ground Up” event held on May 13, panelists discussed their personal stories, motivations, challenges and successes of starting their own companies as a young developer in the New York market. The event was moderated…

The Fourth Annual New Jersey Gold Coast & Spring Multifamily Summit
CAPREMEDIA is a digital media and events company, was launched in June 2011. More than 15,000 senior-level executives have attended and participated in our conferences and webinars. CAPRE specializes in property-specific conferences, and is the organizer of The…

Join 400+ Industry Leaders at the New Jersey Apartment Summit on Nov. 30th
Next week, CAPRE is hosting their Seventh Annual New Jersey Apartment Summit. This annual gathering is the most thorough industry event for active multifamily developers, investors, debt sources, equity sources, construction executives, brokers and property management…

Construction to Begin Soon on 35-Unit McGinley Square Development
When the new year begins, so could construction on a new development that has been approved for Jersey City’s McGinley Square neighborhood.
The property at 75-81 Jordan Avenue, between Mercer and Vroom streets, has long been a multipurpose property, with a three-family residential building and parking area in the rear and a decades-old automotive garage in the front. However, those days will soon be over as demolition gets underway in order to make room for an upcoming six-story building with 35 residential units. Fifteen parking spaces will also be included, along with a rooftop deck with views of the region.